Monday, January 23, 2012

Slip sliding away

1/21/12     Running alone on the snowy, icy roads sucks. I even waited until very late, 11:15pm, to go running in order to allow the plows a chance to clear more snow and my feet a longer period of recovery. That didn’t work out the way I wanted it to. The temperatures had dropped into the single digits, the road conditions were still terrible (icy, snowy, and slippery), and though my feet felt better than they did after Thursday night’s track workout, they were still as sore as they had been all day.
     I am proud of myself for getting in the six miles I did under those circumstances, I just wish that they hadn’t felt like I’d gone running twice the distance that was actually covered. Oh well, I knew it was going to snow a considerable amount sooner or later.

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