Sunday, January 8, 2012

Full Moon Fever + Bat Out Of Hell =

1/7/12     Highlights from my 12-mile out and back on Rails to Trails included: a stunningly shining full moon, a family of 3 deer crossing my path around mile 4, and a faster 6-mile return run where I averaged close to 6min pace after coasting at an 8min pace along the first 6 miles out to my Tunnel Road turnaround point. Since I had already decided not to race a 5k on Sunday, I thought pushing the last half of my run would do me some good in making sure there weren't any pains left in my right foot. Luckily it felt fine both during the run as well as afterwards while I stretched.
     The family of deer scared the crap out of me even though I was only listening to music in my left ear with my stereo One Good Earbud, keeping my right alert to sounds of traffic and wildlife. Problem was, the deer crossed from left to right and totally caught me off guard. I didn't mind too much because the smallest in the group froze in his tracks, apparently as startled as me. The mother circled back to convince the youngster to quit staring into my headlamp and keep running. Then I kept running as well.
     The full moon lit the roads and trail up even beyond the reaches of my headlamp. I love being able to see my surroundings at night and never miss the chance to run under a full moon. A group of party animals in Vernon were hooting and hollering around a large backyard campfire about 150 yards off the trail that prompted me to hit repeatedly hit my lips with my hand making the stereotypical 'woo-woo-woo-woo' Indian attack calls common in old westerns. That shut the group up mighty quick.

1 comment:

  1. You should run in Native American war paint and headdress...jump out of the woods at the partiers next time.
