Friday, February 3, 2012

National Press Online @ Run to Remember's Website

2/01/12     Running up hills at full speed on Tuesday night took more out of me than I thought it would. I was tired all day Wednesday because of it, but didn’t mind very much because I knew that was the way my body was saying, “Great job running your ass off last night!”  Still, having to stand on my feet for five hours at my part time job (after already having worked a full day keeping middle school students in check) lowered my level of motivation drastically, and when 10:30pm rolled around I still hadn’t even gotten dressed to log my easy 6-mile run for the day.
     Then I logged on to and saw my picture and story on their main page. I clicked on the ‘read more’ link to reread the story about my current training cycle for the New Jersey Marathon in May, and was instantly rejuvenated enough to throw on my shorts and sneakers and headed out the door by 11 in order to be finished running and asleep by midnight. I made sure to bookmark the webpage with my story in case I needed to use it as instant motivation again in the future. (Click on the Run to Rember web adress above to see me and my story featured on their main page, or click the photo below to read the story.)

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